Kipina Kelapa Gading

The Blue Lagoon

A change in swimming pool design highlights Kipinä’s constant evolution. The latest campus in Jakarta – Kelapa Gading 2 – features a gently sloping walk-in pool to help children become comfortable in the water. But that’s not all. The 2000m2 garden is chock-full of play structures and adventures.

Official Opening of Kipinä’s Biggest Preschool

Kelapa Gading #2 comes hot on the heels of Kelapa Gading #1. The first campus reached full capacity of 160 children only a year after it opened. The second campus has capacity for 460 preschoolers and is expected to open in July 2024 at 50% full. The soft opening will ensure preparedness and give new teachers time to adjust before the school is expected to be fully subscribed in 2025.