Greetings, curious minds and enthusiastic taste buds! At Kipina Kids Villa Kemang, we believe in learning through delightful real-life experiences, and what better way to engage our little explorers than through the magical realms of taste and smell? ??

As budding wordsmiths, our little learners are discovering new adjectives to describe their sensory experiences. “sour,” “bitter,” “savory,” and “sweet” – these words are becoming as familiar as their ABCs, all thanks to our hands-on exploration of different flavors.

Parents, prepare for some intriguing dinner table conversations! Our preschoolers are excitedly sharing their newfound knowledge about tastes and smells, fostering communication skills and building a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

So, if you’re wondering how we’re blending education with a dash of fun, the answer is simple – by embracing the world of tastes and smells at Kipina, where learning is a treat for all the senses! ??