Kipina Kids Villa Kemang


Reina-Marie Cruz Arcinas

My name is Reina, and I am currently the Campus Manager of Kipina Kids Villa, Kemang. I entered the education field seventeen years ago with a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development and Education, which moulded my philosophy of teaching and providing excellent quality education as a pillar of equity in our society. I have previously served as a preschool, primary school, and academic coordinator in various schools in the Philippines and Indonesia.

I am from the Philippines and I was born and raised in the bustling capital of Manila. I like backpacking and traveling on a budget, and Indonesia by far, is one of the most captivating countries I have ever seen with its diverse cultures and vast scenic nature.

It is my honor to get to know all of you and will be my pleasure to serve.

School Tour

Aktivitas Kami

Lihat berita dan acara terbaru kami mengenai program dan kegiatan kami.

Parents Testimonial


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#1 Globalized Finland Preschool


Sesi Sekolah

N1 Morning
N1 Mid Morning
N2 Morning
N2 Mid Morning
K1 Morning
K2 Morning

Tinggalkan Pesan

Kirimkan apa pun yang perlu Anda ketahui dari kami dan kami akan segera menghubungi Anda kembali!